Used Cars Elkhart
Do you want to find
used cars Elkhart? Do you want to buy a vehicle from a quality dealership where you can get an auto loan even if your credit is poor? If your answer was yes to all of these questions, then come by and see us at USA 1 where you will find a large selection of quality used cars at affordable prices, and if you have some past credit issues, we can still help you out with getting an auto loan.
At USA 1 we are your local buy here pay here, and we specialize in dealership financing for individuals like you who may need the help in getting an auto loan. Whether your credit is less than perfect, you have filed bankruptcy or had other credit problems in the past; our dealership can work with you to get you into a car. All you need is an income, and we can help get you financed for an affordable car that you want to buy.
Do you have a car in mind? Have you wanted to find luxury Elkhart indiana used cars, but have not gone to a dealership to see about financing? Look no further than USA 1 to help you out with your vehicle buying the need for the car that you want if you prefer to ride in a comfortable car, that when people see it know its a luxury car. We have many makes and models of vehicles here at our dealership that would surely be classified as a luxury car; it just depends on your preferences as to what makes and models you are seeking.
Our friendly staff here at USA 1 is here to be your support system and to help you with your car buying needs. We know that having a bad credit score can often time hinder you from being able to get a quality car, and we are here to make sure you can finally purchase that car you want.
When you need to find car lots near you, but most of them will require you to have a perfect credit score, or they will stick you with having to get someone to cosign a loan with you and who wants to deal with having to ask for help from other people?
Most of us dont want to do that, so that is why we here at USA 1 are happy to be able to offer dealership financing to individuals like yourself who are looking to buy a car but have some past credit issues.
Put those worries aside and come by and talk to someone here on our staff about how you can finally get the car you have wanted to buy.
Whether its a luxury car or a family friendly SUV, we can help you with the financing you need for used cars buy here pay here and get you into the vehicle that will meet your lifestyle and your budget. Come by and talk with us today, you will be glad that you did!